The World's Most Famous Detective - Introduction
Scene: Future
The World's Most Famous Detective was flying into Negril in his big silver (vintage looking) float plane.
He was listening to Jamaica Mistaka by Jimmy Buffett
He was following up on a lead …
White painted House, Beautiful Estate
At a table.
Detective is across from an old man.
Old man lights both of their cigars.
Old Man (in a very somber tone and with stress): Are you sure you want to do this?
Detective: Yes.
Old Man:
”You have exactly 30 seconds to be out of here.”
Detective looks at his watch (speaking into watch): Start Plane.
The old man got up, turned around and began to walk towards the wall behind him.
Old Man (speaking to the wall): Open
The safe (A square light shone behind the wall).
Safe: Open Says Who?
Old Man: Open Says Me.
Safe: “Open Says A Who?”
Old Man (stern and a little faster): Open Says A Me!
Safe Opens.
Old Man reaches in and pulls out a small envelope.
Another identical envelope is seen just below it, and he leaves it sitting in the safe.
Old man walks back and hands it to the man.
Man: Thank You!
Old Man: Use Cloaking Code: Blue Smurf Diamond.
Three’s an umbrella, for a rain day, on the way out if you would like.
Man walks out (sees a large blue umbrella in by the door, leaves it) briskly, but somewhat calm and collected, slides down handrail, the 15 steps to the bottom. Walks the dock to the plane that is now started.
Man: Cloaking Code: Blue Smurf Diamond.
The plane turns a light blue and somewhat transparent.
Outside, the detective is leaving the house, with a little shimmy (with somewhat of a smooth coolness to it), but not a fast rush, down the steps…
…walking along the dock (somewhat casual considering the circumstances, but not slow) to the big silver float plane waiting from him - engines fired up!
SIR! Info is spreading from his home to different channels!
M: Stop it!
Directive M232324: Stop all misinformation!
M: It is good information for us! Bad information for everyone else! Smere Smile!
B: Smurf ready in 15 seconds sir.
Satellites in space are moving in …
Men are moving in …
Float Plane gaining speed, cruising along the water …
Men closing in towards house …
House Turns Blue!
Plane rising off the water, pulling up into the air …
Blue laser blasts! Everything not blue goes up in flames.
Laser’s trail, moves towards plance as it lower’s in intensity
Water below plane goes up in smoke, with some birds!
Paratroopers, and combatants move in to and around house.
Man in cavilian clothing looks in safe and sees envelope.
Pulls it out!
Plane pulling up for altitude!!!
The man in the place sees what looks like a small nuclear explosion behind him, as the house and property and adversaries go up into a ball of flames!
Shock wave hits plane!
Now he drops back down low again, into the canyon!
Flying out (being pursued closely) he had a focused grin, was smoking the last 4 inches of a big cigar …
And was flying low, cutting tight … listening to …
Singing the line: “I love my aeroplane cause: she’s got style …”
Though he was smuggling out the secret leads to the crack to the space mystery;
and he flew low; he didn’t need to; he cut and bobbed, waved, and blew the mesques, not because he had to; but because he thought how back in the day, it would be cool to run a plane like this; as his pursuers, really were tight behind him …
… what they didn’t know, was this was not a normal float plane; this was a Special Ops Vehicle
…he pressed the button the old school, equipment flipped, and the highest state of the art, and beyond, flipped open and onto the screen in front of him
… he continued to enjoy the chase out
… then he pressed the button
“Next Stop … Space Station 3”
The float plane changed form … and took to space …
“That boy was a lone survivor.” … as he shook his head thinking about how the kid had outwitted his opponents … and lead to what appeared to him to be the answer to the ancient mystery and crack to one of the most infamous outer space cases and mysteries of their time.
Follow Along … The Trapper’s Cache Series!
Several Years Later; after his space expedition, he he would meet the old man again in Negril:
The detective, for the past 3 years in space, had been craving … “Cheeseburger’s in Paradise!”
Negril, Jamaca; Ocean view
Telling the stories, this time the Detective providing and lighting up the cigars!
Detective: Thank You Sir! You helped to save a lot of lives!